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Storybook Favorites

Gossip Girl Title Card

Gossip Girl Ayodhya was one of my favorite Storybooks even though I wasn't very familiar with the topic. The thing I liked the most about this story was how it used the show gossip girl to retell Ramayana. The introduction jumps out at the reader by starting off like the Gossip Girl show would, and it sets up the background story pretty well. The stories navigation was easy to use and the story itself was well written and interesting. The storybook did a very good job of using the gossip girl writing style to retell the Ramayana.

Hogwarts Castle

Katie-Indian Epics was another one of my favorite storybooks. This storybook did a really good job of blending the tale of these four brothers into the world of Harry Potter. The introduction describes each brother well, and the buzzfeed quiz makes the storybook interactive and fun. This storybook had the same easy to use layout as Gossip Girl Avodhya, and it was easy to follow along with. I like the easy navigation of the page and the way the title of each section was laid out at the top followed by a picture associated with that section and than the actual story. I would like my storybook to be laid out in a similar fashion.

Picture of Indian Women

Nicole's Indian epics storybook was one of my favorites because of its unique way of telling many different sides of the story. The introduction did a very good job of catching readers eyes by drawing them in with the promise of major drama. The women's story were well written and filled with juicy tidbits and surprises that made the story even more dramatic. The author's note also helped to express the changes between the authors retelling and the actual story. They also explained why the author chose to rewrite the stories this way.


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