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Time Strategies

When it comes to procrastination I am a pro. Although every year I slowly get better with time management, procrastination is still one of my hurdles. The first article I read was The Important Habit of Just Starting and I realized just how true that statement is. My biggest problem is just starting after I start I get into a pretty good flow and don't like stopping. The second article I read was How to Beat Procrastination and I find that the two steps that will probably really help me are: visualizing how great it will be to be done and confront the downside of inaction. If I visualize how great it will be to be done and confront the downside of inaction I can picture all the other stuff I could get done just by doing my assignments now, also some of the free time I might end up with. and just the relaxed feeling of being done with something.

Procrastination Meme


  1. I really enjoyed your post Trishna. And I think thats usually the way it works. I think if I had began college with the time management skills that I have as a senior, then I would've have never had any issues. Also, I read the same article and couldn't agree more. Most times, getting the ball rolling is the hardest part but if you make yourself take some initiative, the momentum can really lead to something fruitful. Lastly, the methods you hope to use to defeat procrastination really work! I have tried them myself. So, I hope you get utilize them to their fullest potential.


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