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Week 2 Story: The Naive Angel (A Supernatural Story)

There was an angel named Castiel and he was naive in the ways of humans. One day he was wondering around in London when he happened upon Crowley who is the king of hell and a frenemy of Castiel’s. Crowley was done with his duties as the king of hell for the day and was bored so he decided to mess with Castiel.

“Castiel,” he said “The archangel Michael has broken free from the cage in hell and is trying to destroy the world. A little birdie informed me that he would be in Norman, Oklahoma in one day.”
Castiel immediately turned pale and then said “I must return to heaven and inform the other angels of this. We must do everything in our power to stop him from destroying the world.”

And thus Castiel returned to heaven where he informed the other angels of the impending end of the world. The other angels asked what they should do and Castiel said “I must go get the Winchesters they are the only hope we have.”

And so Castiel traveled to Lebanon, Kansas where his friends Sam and Dean Winchester reside in their bunker. He appeared in the kitchen where Sam and Dean were enjoying breakfast. Sam jumped when Castiel appeared in the kitchen. “Do you always have to do that?” he asked “I think we should get you a bell or something.” Dean then said “Hey Cas. How’s it shaking?” “What’s shaking? Nothing’s shaking Dean” said Castiel. “No . . . It’s just . . .” Dean said as he closed his eyes in slight annoyance and then he said “What do you want Castiel?”

“I have been informed that Michael has escaped from his cage in hell and is going to destroy the world. He will be in Norman, Oklahoma tomorrow. This is opportunity to stop him I have already informed the angels and we are amassing an army we must go to Norman and stop him.”

“Wait a minute Castiel. Calm down. Where did you get this information from?” Sam asked. Castiel replied “When I was in London I ran into Crowley outside a pub, and he told me about Michael.”

Sam and Dean exchanged glances and sighs before Dean turned to Castiel and said “Cas. Crowley was messing with you. Think about it if Michael had escaped from the cage Crowley’s first stop wouldn’t be a pub. He would go to us first and tell us so we could get rid of Michael. Hell he would be getting his own army together not drinking the day away.”

Castiel stood in stunned silence for a minute and then he said “Oh. Perhaps I should go to heaven and inform the rest of the angels of this information. Sorry for wasting your time.”

After he left Sam turned to Dean and said “I worry about him sometimes. Maybe we should give him some lessons about human behavior.”

“Yeah. First things first we should teach him is how to tell when someone’s pulling one over on you,” said Dean.

Castiel from Supernatural and a quote from the show

Author's Note: 
The original version of this is The Foolish, Timid Rabbit. In this version a rabbit, due to a series of misfortunes, thought the earth was breaking and he ran. While he was running he ran into many other animals and informed them of what was going on and they all ran away with him. Then the lion stopped them all and then investigated and found out what really happened and stopped the chaos. I decided to use Supernatural, one of my favorite tv shows, and its characters to retell this story. 

"The Foolish, Timid Rabbit" from Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbit


  1. I am actually not familiar with Supernatural (I know; shame on me), but at least I have enough context from what I keep hearing from my friends who have seen it. Nonetheless, the way you wrote and changed the original story gave it more of a comedic tone, which is a nice change from the more serious nature of the original story. And I do not know why, but Castiel just seems so endearing in this. He is a good fit for the rabbit.

  2. Hello!

    After reading your story, I really wish I watched the TV show Supernatural. I watched a few times but never got caught into it. However, the twist that you did with "The Foolish, Timid Rabbit" and your story is clever. I was able to acetic on what story you were retelling immediately once I read the part about Sam asking Castile, "Where did he get this information from?" Great Job!

  3. Firstly, I LOVE Supernatural! I love that you wrote your version of this story in the form of Supernatural. I didn't think to utilize T.V. shows into my stories, even though I know it's an option. I couldn't help but smile and laugh throughout the story, because I know the show and understand each character as you embodied them SPOT on.
    Secondly, I really enjoyed how you created the story from the original. I haven't read the original, but I can understand from your note who each character represents. You gave the story more depth with more characters. It makes me wonder why Castiel was in London and at a pub, maybe you could elaborate on that situation just a bit and how Crowley knew of his whereabouts? What if we had Crowley know where Castiel was still going and he follows him to see if he goes to the Winchesters, then he appears and laughs? I could see that happening in the story, though it could be lengthy. I really enjoyed your take and utilization of the show/characters! I hope I can be as creative and do the show and story justice if I decide to write with it!

  4. I always love when stories include the passions of the author, like sports and tv shows! I think it was creative and clever to make a story based from Supernatural. It worked well with the original story, and I understood the references (I've seen a few episodes; my sister is obsessed). There were a lot of run-on sentences, so it made it hard to read some of the passages.

  5. This was a wonderfully creative way to approach retelling the timid rabbit story. I love Supernatural, so of course any stories with Cas and the Winchesters is going to be great. But, I think you chose well in picking Castiel as the main character. His naivete and cluelessness fits perfectly. I think you did a great job!


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