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Week 3 Story: The Doctor and the Wedding

The doctor was a little confused he had meant to go to 1559 England and watch the coronation of Elizabeth the first but instead he was in a forest outside the city of Maithila surrounded by a bunch of men pointing weapons at him. One man steps forward and says “I am Rama son of King Dasaratha and just who are you.”

“Who me,” the doctor asks. “Well I’m but a humble traveler. Anyways what’s going on over there looks like there’s a party going on.”

Rama eyes the traveler and replied “It is the wedding celebration.”

“Oh a wedding, I love weddings. Well then men let’s go. On to the wedding,” the doctor said.

Rama and Lakshmana exchange wary glances, but follow the doctor on into the city. While the doctor was rambling on about weddings Rama was taking in his surroundings when he suddenly froze and stared at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before. The doctor stopped and waved his hand in front of Rama’s face to no avail. Rama eventually snapped out of it after the women walked out of view. The doctor gave Rama a knowing look and asked a passerby “Who was that woman just now?” The person replied “Why that’s Sita daughter of King Janaka.” The passerby then turned to Rama and said “Good luck with that one boy. It has been declared that Sita can only marry the man who can string Shiva’s bow.”

Just then the King had the bow brought out, and the doctor looked at Rama and said “Go ahead and give it your best shot.” Rama approached the bow and as he began to bend it the doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and tried to use it before he remembered that his bow doesn’t work on wood. Then to the surprise of the crowd Rama broke the bow, and then they cheered for him and Sita. The doctor then said “Well guess he didn’t need my help at all.” Then he turned to Lakshmana and said “Looks like there’s going to be another wedding. I’m going to have to break out my dancing shoes.”

The Doctor dancing


Author's Note:
The original story was how Rama saw Sita dancing and how Sita noticed Rama and how they fell in love at first sight. Then Rama completes the bow challenge layed out by her father and marries Sita. I added the Doctor in there because Doctor Who is one of my favorite tv shows and I wanted to retell this story with him in it.


  1. I thought this was a very funny twist on the original story! I feel like the Doctor could have played a bigger part though:) You could make a very in depth story with him in it! I like that you include characters from shows you like, it's a very fresh take on the classic Indian stories. One thing, there are some writing errors, but not enough that I didn't understand the story. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Trishna,

    This was a great story. I love your twist on the original story, I thought it was very creative and took time to develop. I also really liked the structure of your paragraphs, it made it for an easy read. It's interesting to see you include characters from shows that you like. This is the first time I have seen this throughout the class, but I think it is a great idea! Great work and hope you have an awesome semester.

  3. I really liked your story, but I agree with one of the comments about having the Doctor play a bigger role in the story. I really liked wha you did though. Whenever I see that picture of the Doctor I can't help but smile big because he was just such a huge goof and I loved it. Other than that I think you did a really great job!

  4. Hey! I have watched a ton of Doctor Who a while back so I immediately was interested in this story. I like how even though you made it clear the Doctor wanted to help, it was still clearly an accomplishment for Rama.


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