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Week 12 Story: Radha's Heartbreak

Radha was pacing around the lake in the village muttering to herself, “I have had enough of Krishna and his player ways.”

“Who are you talking to,” said a voice from behind her.

Radha whirled around and saw a mysterious man. She said, “Who are you?”

The mysterious man replied, “Just a passerby who happened to hear you muttering to yourself. You know a good way to vent your anger out is to just talk about it.”

Radha eyed the mysterious man and then she decided that it might be for the best if she talked to someone about it, and since she had no friends this man was just as good as any. “OK,” she said.

And so her story began.

“It all started many years ago. I was born and raised in a village called Gokul. My whole life I had grown up alongside Krishna, and as long as I can remember I have always loved him. He was a very popular man among the gopis who always tried to catch his attention, but he always kept his eyes on me. I would do absolutely anything for him. There was even a time when he fell deathly ill and while all the other gopis ran in fear that if they helped him they would go to hell, only I stayed and helped restore him to his full health. One day Krishna promised he would marry me, but then a priest told him that it was not in his destiny to marry me. Can you believe that? He did not even fight for it he simply gave up on me.”

“The nerve of the man,” replied the stranger.

“I know right,” said Radha. She then continued on, “There was no real reason given on why I could not be his bride. I would have understood if they gave a reason. If it was my loyalty towards him while he continued on the road to his destiny that they worried about. The did not need to worry for my loyalty would not have broken. And to top it all off he went on to get married to eight other women.”

The stranger said, “Seriously?”

“Yes,” Radha replied. She then went on to say, “Now here I am wondering why I wasted most of my young life devoted to such a man.”

The man turned to Radha and said, “Don’t.”

Startled, Radha turned towards the stranger and asked, “Excuse me?”

The man replied, “Don’t waste any more of your time on this man, and go on with your life. Find a better man than this Krishna and live happily without him.” With this the stranger got up and left the town and continued on his journey.

Radha sat in stunned silence before she realized the man was right. With renewed energy she got up and went on to her own destiny.

Author's Note:
In Krishna's story he gives up on marrying Radha after a priest tells him it is not in his destiny to. So he does not marry her and goes on to eventually become a king and marries eight other women. There is not much that talks about what happened to Radha after all this so I decided to write a story about her moving on from Krishna. Most women in the stories I have been reading for this class have been just as devoted to their men as Radha is to Krishna and as a result if they are abandoned by these same men they tend not to move on and stay devoted to him. I got kind of sick of reading these same themes and decided to give Radha a better ending.

Radha and Krishna


  1. Hi Trishna!
    First of all, I really enjoyed reading your story “Radha’s Heartbreak.” I liked the layout of your story and how you incorporated some dialogue between your characters. Also I think the image you added complements your story very well. Overall, I think you did a great job on this story and I can’t wait to read your other stories!

  2. Hi Trishna!
    I am so glad that you told this story! Like you, I kept getting frustrated with the women in many of the stories who kept acting like one man was the end all and be all of existence. Either they'd pine away, or actively kill themselves. We definitely needed an example of a woman who realized that she could move on and have a good life. I also really like the layout of your page. It really stands out. Great job!

  3. Trishna,

    This is a great story and I am very glad you decided to tell it your way. Their is defiantly a common theme in all of these stories with the women and I loved how you told this story. I think it is great how you told the story in a more modern woman image and made it much more realistic to what we see in our everday lives. I think you did a great job with this story and I hope to get to read more int the future.

  4. Hi Trishna,

    I really liked your story here. This is my favorite one I have commented on this semester. I thought you did a really good job on the dialogue in this story, and you also did a good job of formatting that. The original story in my opinion was really good, but you managed to make it better in your own way. Great job on this one.


  5. Hi Trishna!

    I really liked this story. I thought the original story was so interesting because I think it is one of the few times in the epics that two people are pretty much declared to be soulmates and then do not actually end up together. You did a great job giving a little closure to the story in a way that the original didn't. Great job and have a good break!



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